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I am a full-time photographer from Luxembourg.

Events, Fashion- and Beauty-Shoots determine my everyday life, a perfect mix that never gets boring. 

„Photoshop“ is the keyword to all my personal artworks. Not only for simple beauty retouching but also to create a whole new world, where surrealism meets fashion.


As an independent, I am free to shape my life as I want. I'm absolutely not a morning person, but I don't mind editing my pictures until late at night, prepare an Instagram post or work on new ideas. I love being snuggled up in a blanket and sitting at my desk for hours, listen to music or podcast while working on creative projects. I want to share the joy of my work with you and that's why I put a lot of energy and love into all my pictures. It is very important to me to establish a personal connection with you. I don't want to see you just as a client, but as a friend whom I can accompany on a very important step in life. I want to get to know you and stand by your side so that your big day is simply unforgettable.

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I love changing the color of my hair (currently: blond)



I cannot drive at all! Before each and every job, I google on the map where I could park before I leave the house



I collect King-Cake figurines



Christmas addiction: Every year, I decorate the house with at least 4 Christmas trees in my living room and nope, I'm not joking



I love shark movies but Cinderella is my all time favorite film



My favorite quote is "I don't think so, Tim."

("Tooltime" fans know what I'm talking about^^ You have no idea how often a day one can use that sentence!)



Public speaking is my biggest fear



If I could ever pick a time period to live in, I’d pick 1920s Prohibition America. I think that would be very exciting!

But maybe I’ve just read The Great Gatsby too much.

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@ k a r y _ p h o t o g r a p h y

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